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EverGreen offers high quality respirators at reasonable price for our customers.


You are required by law to wear respiratory protection gears in workplaces containing particulates.
Wear disposable respirators to stay safe and healthy.

Disposable Respirator?

Wearing a respiratory protection equipment is required
by law in workplaces containing particulates. Disposable
respirators are a must to maintain workers’ safety and health.

Disposable Respirators are Required

Disposable respirators are required by law.

  • - Pneumoconiosis, which is caused by inhaling particulates for an extended period of time, has long been known as an occupational disease, but we still have many cases.
  • - That is because many workers still do not wear disposable respirators to prevent particulate inhalation, and even if they wear one, the wear ones that are made of low-quality products such as general cloth and sponge, which do not meet national standards as filter media.
  • - It is required by law to install exhaustion devices and wear respiratory protection equipment in workplaces containing particulates, so it is essential to wear a disposable respirator to maintain workers’ safety and health.
  • - According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (Duty to Provide and Wear Protection Equipment: Rule 30)

Particulates are the cause of pneumoconiosis.

  • - Long-term inhalation of particulates can build up particulates in the lungs, which will turn the lung tissue hard and fibrous.
  • - There is no fundamental treatment even in modern medicine for this irreversible disease. Also, there are many cases where the condition of the diseases progresses even if the worker leaves the workplace.
  • - Pneumoconiosis could take as long as 10 to 20 years to develop. Wear a disposable respirator now for a healthy future.

Select the right disposable respirator. Please use disposable respirators with the right grade at workplaces.

Product Structure

Surface felt
The colored layer of the respirator keeps the surface clean and prevents liquid from seeping through.
External filter
It filters out relatively large particulates from outside.
Electrostatic filter
Static electricity is charged to fine fibers, so that fine particulates can be filtered by the force of static electricity.
Internal filter
It keeps the shape of the mask and is clean, as it does not come in contact with contaminants, maintaining a comfortable interior. Also, we produce activated carbon fiber, high-efficiency HEPA filter, ultra-static composite filter, antibacterial filter, and special absorption filter depending on the applications of respirators.

Principles and Effects of Electrostatic Filter

Electrostatic filter

Particulates are usually charged in either + or -, or + and – directions.This allows particulates to be captured by the filter by the force of static electricity.

Absorbed Particulates

Particulates Absorbed by the Filter

(Left) Large particulates captured by the surface filter
(Right) Small particulates with static electricity collected by the main filter

Comparison of Particulate Absorption between Electrostatic Filter and General Filter

General Filter

Electrostatic Filter


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