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EverGreen offers high quality respirators at reasonable price for our customers.


To prevent respiratory disease, we recommend wearing approved sanitary-aid Health Care Respirator that can filter fine particles, such as yellow dust.

Fine Dust Problem

Korea’s sky often suffers from fine dust from China, with the influx of Chinese smog. The troublesome yellow dust is seasonal, but the fine dust is regarded as a serious pollutant from fossil fuels or automobile fumes.

EverGreen provides a defense against these problems.

How to Purchase and Use Sanitary-aid Health Care Respirator Correctly

Unlike general masks, masks that are approved as sanitary-aid products can filter out fine particles such as yellow dust, so it is recommended that you wear a Health Care Respirator to prevent respiratory diseases.

  • - The packaging for approved Health Care Respirator are marked with ‘KF80’ or ‘KF94,’ which indicate their effectiveness in filtering out fine particles. ‘KF80’ can filter more than 80% of fine particles with an average size of 0.6um and ‘KF94’ can filter more than 94% of fine particles with an average size of 0.4um, protecting the respiratory tract from harmful particulates such as yellow and fine dust.
  • - KF: KF is an abbreviation of Korea Filter. The numbers that follow a KF signature indicates its effectiveness in filtering out fine particles.

Mask Grades (KF)

KF is short for Korea Filter and is divided into different grades based on filter performance, inhalation resistance, and inward leakage.

Grade Standards Application
Filter performance Inhalation resistance Inward leakage
KF80 >80% (NaCl) <6.2mmH2O <25% Yellow dust
KF94 >94% (NaCl and paraffin oil) <7.2mmH2O <11% Yellow dust
KF99 >99% (NaCl and paraffin oil) <10.3mmH2O <5% Yellow dust

Correct Use of
Health Care Respirator

  1. 1 Cover your nose and mouth completely and make sure that it fits your face tightly.
  2. 2 Do not touch your mask again once wearing it
    Viruses or germs on the surface of the mask can lead to secondary infection, so do not rub your eyes or touch your nose with the hands that touched the mask. As soon as you touch your mask, wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer.
  3. 3 Immediately replace your mask once it gets wet or dirty
    Never reuse a mask that is infected with pathogens
  4. 4 Once used, the mask should be discarded immediately
    Disposable masks are not to be reused by washing them in a washing machine.
    A mask that has already been used may already be contaminated with pathogens. Do not use it again.

How to Prevent Infectious Diseases

  • When going out, wear a mask to protect your nose and mouth from other people’s fluids and secretions.
  • Wash your hands often to avoid touching your
    nose and mouth with contaminated hands.
  • When you cannot wash your hands, use hand
    sanitizers to help with personal hygiene.
  • After returning home, brush your teeth and
    gargle to prevent respiratory diseases.


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